‘Dream BIG!’ Creative Writing

Year Group: 3/4

Subject – Literacy

Did you dream last night?  Can you remember what happened?  How did it make you feel?

The wonderful thing about dreams is that there are no rules.  Yes, that’s right – NO RULES!  Literally anything can happen, be it funny, fascinating, mind-boggling or strange… The possibilities are truly endless.

Embark upon a journey to create your very own dream, where you will explore the fantasy genre and discover what makes a jaw-droppingly magical piece of descriptive writing.  We will kickstart our journey by looking at examples of dreams in popular children’s literature, using a collaborative approach to identify the best types of ‘ingredients’ for our own dreams.  We will then write about our dreams and celebrate our achievements by sharing them with each other.  You will also have the opportunity to use cross-curricular links with Design and Technology to create your very own dream jar to take home at the end of the session.

This is the perfect opportunity to let your imagination run wild!

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